Together with the Society Switzerland Bhutan, the Association of Friends of Bhutan Austria is supporting the construction of a classroom and a library at the Gayshing Gaon Primary School in Phuntshopelri Gewog in Samtse. This will also enable children with special needs or disabilities to have equal access to school education. Read more
Author: ab_adm
Presentation: Bhutan’s Conservation Efforts: Successes and Challenges (Norbu Wangdi PhD, 25 October 2024)
Bhutan is famous for its pristine forests, covering almost 70 percent of its area, its abundant water resources and its rich biodiversity. Bhutan is also known as the first carbon-negative country of the world, with its forests absorbing three times more CO2 emissions than it emits. Bhutan’s consistent and rigorous protection and conservation measures and appropriate legal regulations have not only preserved its natural treasures so far. The country wants to remain a globally recognised champion of the environment. However, these efforts are not without challenges. With development imperatives placing increasing pressure on the natural environment and resources, also Bhutan faces the critical challenge of balancing conservation with development.
Speaker: Norbu Wangdi (PhD) is an alumnus of BOKU University in Vienna, where he completed his doctoral studies in Natural Resources and Life Sciences in 2016. Before that, he obtained a master’s degree in Instruction and Practical Training in Forestry and Allied Subjects from Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun, Uttarakhand in India. He is currently working as Director for Forest and Water at the Bhutan Ecological Society and as a resident lecturer for Land Use Natural Resources and Conservation at the Center for Climate and Sustainable Futures (CCFS), School for Field Studies in Paro.
Click here for the presentation
A Heat Pump Dryer for the Khengrig Namsum Cooperative (KNC)
On 16 February 2024, a fire destroyed the Cooperative’s processing plant and reduced the building including all machinery to rubble and ashes during the night. KNC lost several drying and packaging machines as well as its entire stock of turmeric powder in just one day. During our visit in March 2024, we could see for ourselves the extent of the devastation. In cooperation with our sister association Bhutan Network we wanted to help KNC to resume their work.
With the help of additional donations Bhutan Network and Friends of Bhutan Austria could hand over 6,096 Euros to KNC for a much needed heat pump dryer .
Visit of the Project “Mini-Motor-Ploughs for Women Mountain Farmers”
Successful project completion
The project targeted female mountain farmers in the districts of Lhuentse and Trashigang in Bhutan, most of whom have to manage the work in the fields on their own. The aim of the project was to enable 35 economically disadvantaged female mountain farmers, who only practise subsistence farming, to increase their agricultural productivity and thus their income opportunities by mechanising the extremely costly and labour-intensive cultivation of their fields and terraces through access to microloans.
With the financial support of the City of Vienna and with the help of Tarayana Foundation/Tarayana Microfinance, all 35 women mountain farmers were equipped with mini-power-tillers. The joint effort has fundamentally changed the lives of the beneficiaries and enabled a significant step towards sustainable livelihoods and prosperity.
Khemdro Dairy: Fresh Milk – At a Fair Price
Support for the construction and installation of five milk collection centres in the Phobjikha Valley
The Friends of Bhutan Association is supporting Khemdro in setting up five milk collection centres within a 15-minute walk of the farms. They are equipped with an electricity and water connection and electronic scales. Read more
Khengrig Namsum Cooperative (KNC)
A successful agricultural cooperative in Zhemgang, central part of southern Bhutan
On 30 September 2023, Mr Thinley Wangdi, chairman of the Khengrig Namsum Cooperative (KNC), visited the Friends of Bhutan Association in Vienna *. He reported on his work in the Cooperative, which he founded 9 years ago after having promised his father not to leave his ancestral home in remote Kheng Bardo and not to let the land fall fallow. Thinley quit his good job as an employee in the capital Thimphu and started the Cooperative with 16 young farmers.
Climate Resilient Water management in Rural Bhutan
With a grant from the City of Vienna, Friends of Bhutan Austria supports a project of the Bhutanese organization Tarayana Foundation for an integrated, climate resilient water management in Goshing, in the district of Zhemgang. The aim is to combat the drying up of water sources and thus improve the livelihood and food security of the inhabitants of the village of Lichibe. First of all, a hydrological mapping of the spring catchment area of Lichibe will be carried out. Together with the inhabitants, ditches will be dug and water reservoirs will be built. In addition, a water user group will be established and education on improved sanitation and hygiene will be provided. Finally, the villagers are also building pour-flush toilets in each of the 54 households. Read more
Cultivating Healthy Social Media Habits
Friends of Bhutan Austria, together with the Society-Switzerland-Bhutan and the German-Bhutan-Himalaya Society, supports the Bhutan Center for Media and Democracy to create awareness in the communities through parent and youth education on safe and responsible use of the digital space.
There are 13 youth centers in the country providing safe space catering to children’s and youth’s recreational and social needs outside of the school system. The project will benefit the youth center coordinators, parents, youth and children residing in the communities around the center through imparting digital media literacy.
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Ability Bhutan: Successful completion of Training
To address the exclusion of children with disabilities, the project of Ability Bhutan (ABS) trained 26 ECCD facilitators and 3 primary school teachers from Pemagatshel district to enrol and provide early intervention services to children with disabilities in their centres.
One of Bhutan’s challenges is ensuring that all children with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate education and social services. Poor awareness of current resources, negative attitudes, and negative cultural beliefs about disabilities still persist in communities. Besides, most parents/caregivers and community workers don’t realize the importance of early intervention and miss out on the golden opportunity to reduce the impact of disability.
The Messenger: The Journey continues
After successfully completing his climate bike tour through Bhutan, Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk is on his way to the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest, to raise awareness about the receding glaciers.
Save our Snow
Jamyang will carry this message by bicycle all the way to Dubai, to the 28th World Climate Change Conference 2023 on November 30, 2023.